Oriana Financial Group of Canada Ltd.#10214

What my clients are saying!

Hi Adrian,
On behalf of Koby and I, thank you for everything! Once again you’ve been great to work with! We feel lucky to have you on our team working your magic for us!
We’re so excited to start making family memories in the new house!
Thanks again for all your hard work,

Emily, Koby and Family

Our situation turned out to be more difficult than we all anticipated. Adrian rose to the challange, and resolved the issues promptly and reassured us the entire way. Thanks again, Adrian, and we certainly recommend you to all ~ M. Moore

I am in your debt… Thanks so much for getting this done at such a awesome rate! Bill said you were great, but I think that may have been an understatement. Thanks again for everything. I thought my history with my existing mortgage lender meant something. I guess not. Your resources really came through! Thanks for the hard work and great deal.

As first time home buyers, Adrian was of more help than our own bank branch in both securing our mortgage and preparing us for the ins and outs of the process. Adrian kept on top of our rate and made sure we got the best deal available. He made it easy